Prof. Konstantinos-Gust Belezos


Prof. Konstantinos-Gust Belezos, Ph.D.

Professor of New Testament Introduction, Exegesis and Hermeneutics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens [NKUA]/ School of Theology/ Faculty of Theology/ Department of Biblical Studies.

E-mail kbelezos@theol.uoa.grThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T. Work +30-210-7275744



Bachelor Degree  in Theology: Universitiy of Athens [Greece] (1982-1987)

Postgraduate Studies: Universitiy of Regensburg (1987-1989), Universitiy of Tűbingen (1989-1991) [Germany] and Universitiy of Besançon (1989) [France].

Ph.D. in Theology: Universitiy of Athens [Greece] (1997)

- Doctoral Thesis: The Interpretation of Oikoumenios on St. John’s Revelation (Historical and exegetical approach).



Ancient languages: Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic, Patristic Syriac.

Modern Languages: Greek, German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Romanian.



Teaching Experience

Teacher of Religion for the secondary school education (1996-1999)

Lecturer of New Testament at the Department of Theology/ National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1999-2007).

Assistant Professor of NT at the Department of Theology/ National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2007-2014).

Associate Professor of NT at the Department of Theology/ National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2014-2020).

Professor of NT at the Department of Theology/ National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2020-).



St. John’s Revelation and St. Paul, Patristic Exegesis, Feminist Hermeneutics, Ecotheology, Reception of the Bible in the modern Literature and Philosophy.


Courses Taught

Introduction to the NT, OT and NT Exegesis, Bible Hermeneutics and NT Interpretation, Bible Didactics, Exegetical Methodology, Theology of Gender, Theology of Environment a.o.




1. The Interpretation of Oikoumenios the Diligent on St. John’s Revelation (Historical and methodological approach). Athens 1999 [= Center of Research of Byzantium. Society of Friends of People: 8].

2. St. John Chrysostom and St. Paul: The chronological classification of Pauline Epistles (3rd edition, completely revised and increased). Athens 2008 (1998) and, in new edition, NT Exegesis and Hermeneutics, Vol. I. The chronological classification of Pauline Epistles by St. John Chrysostom. Athens 2014.

3. The Semantics of Marriage in St. John’s Revelation. (Persons and Symbolism). Athens 2006 and, in new edition, Christ and Woman in St. John’s Revelation (The biblical Metapher of marriage and its transformations). Athens 2018.

4. Professors of the Theological School of Athens University in the service of New Testament Exegesis and Hermeneutics (in the last 180 years). Athens 2020.

5. History of the Modern Greek translations of the New Testament (from 16th to early 20th century) - The proposal of Professor Ioannis N. Karmiris. Athens 2020.



Scholarly and other Articles in Proceedings, collective Volumes and scientific Journals and Magazines in Greece and abroad.

Book Reviews


Editing in multi-contributor volumes, as well as invarious books of theological, historical, philosophical, educational, and literary literature (Bl. Pascal, E. Kant, Fr. Nietzsche, F. Dostojefski, P. Claudel, N. Kazantzakis a.o.).