Visit and Lecture of the Dean at The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies- Cambridge

Visit of His Grace
Bishop Youhanna Yazigi
The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies
University of Cambridge


Friday 11th January 2002

1- Meeting with the Principal Father John Jillions, and the staff in the Institute.
2- Lunch at College Emmanuel including the Church leaders in Cambridge, members of the Theological Faculty, and the heads of the Theological Colleges, Anglican, Roman Catholic, Methodist and Presbyterian.
Speak after lunch on the subject of "Theological Education in the Middle East". 

Saturday 12th January 2002

1- Lecture in the Institute on the subject "The Church in the Middle East, the Patriarchate of Antioch, Balamand University and the Institute of St. John of Damascus.

Sunday13th January 2002

Divine Liturgy at St Ephraim's Russian Orthodox Church.


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Christian Studies Web Site

