The World Conference of Associations of Theological Inst itutions (WOCATI) has organized, in Thessaloniki Greece, from 13 18 January 2006, an international symposium with an aim to prepare three working papers for the 2007 General Assembly, dealing with: the prophetic role of theological education, the role of theological education in promoting mission and unity in the church, and the challenges facing theological education today. V. Rev. Father Hareth Ibrahim represented the St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology (University of Balamand) at the meeting.
The participants in the symposium were 8 of the 9 executive committee members of WOCATI and 6 selected invitees from the wider WOCATI constituencies.
The theme of the symposium was, The Mission of the Church and the Role of Theological Education in it. It was divided in three areas for discussion with three main speakers who in their presentations provided insights for the drafting of the working papers. The first speaker was Dr. Rev. Hyacinth Ione Boothe, from Jamayca representing the Caribbean Association of Theological Schools, who talked about The Prophetic Role of Theological Education. The second speaker was Dr. Rev. Nicolae Mosoiu, from Romania, who talked about Mission and Unity of the Church and the Role of Theological education in it. The third speaker was Prof. Faith Rohbrough, from Canada, who talked about the Challenges and Prospects of Theological Education and its Mission to the Church. The group discussions yielded 3 drafts of ideas to be discussed in the 2007 General Assembly, but not proper working papers.
Apart from the three main presentations, the participants listened to hearings on: theological education in Greece, theological education in the Orthodox world, what do churches expect from theological education in East and West Europe, theological education and religious plurality, as well as reports on theological associations in: Latin America, Africa.
The symposium was sponsored by: Evangelishes Missionwer (EMW), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), and the Holy Diocese of Neapolis and Stavroupolis (H.E. Metropolitan Barnabas).

Father Hareth (the first to the right) representative of the Institute of Theology