Conference on Thinking Modernity
Towards a Reconfiguration of the Relationship between Orthodox Theology and Modern Culture
Dec 3-5, 2007
Organized by:
- Balamand Monastery
- Chair of Orthodox Theology, the Centre of Religious Studies (CRS), Wilhelms University of Mster (Germany).
- St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology, University of Balamand

In the occasion of the feast of St. John of Damascus, the patron Saint of the Institute of Theology at the University of Balamand, the Institute organized a conference entitled "Thinking Modernity: Towards a Reconfiguration of the Relationship between Orthodox Theology and Modern Culture." Speakers from the United States, United Kingdom, Greece, France, Germany, and Finland gathered in Balamand to discuss this important theological subject for the Orthodox Church. The conference was attended by many lay theologians, bishops and priests of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church.
Title of Contributions and Names of Lecturers are as follows:
Do we Meet Modernity with Out of Date Questions? Hermeneutical approach to the Dilemma (Prof. Dr. Merja Merras, University of Joensuu, Finland).
Returning to First Principles. Articulating Orthodox Theology in a Post- Modern Context (Rev. Prof. Dr. John Behr, St Vladimirs Orthodox Theological Seminary, USA).
Crtion th-logique et crtion artistique. Prolomes au dialogue entre thlogie et littature moderne (Pantelis Kalaitzidis, Holy Metropolis of Demetrias Academy for Theological Studies, Greece).
La tradition liturgique byzantine et la modernit (Rev. Prof. Dr. Job Getcha, Institut de Thlogie Orthodoxe Saint-Serge, France).
Hermeneutics of Human Body According to Hesychast Anthropology (Prof. Dr. Sergey Horujy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia).
Cosmic Priesthood and the Human Animal (Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Theokritoff, The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge, UK).
An Orphan or A Bride? Human Self, Collective Identities and Conversion (Dr. Athanasios Papathanasiou, Synaxis, Greece).
The Aesthetics of Sophiology (Prof. Dr. Marcus Plested, The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge, UK).
Byzantine Icon. A Bridge Between Theology and Modern Culture? (Prof. Dr. Assaad Elias Kattan, Wilhelm s University of Mster, Germany).
The Holy Spirit in the Life of the World. Dialectis of Universal and Particular (Rev. Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Clapsis, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, USA).
Man and the Hermeneutics of Truth. Is An Ecumenical Anthropology Possible? (Dr. Daniel Munteanu, University of Bamberg, Germany).
Une pens thlogique moderne? Impact du mouvement oecumique sur la thlogie orthodoxe (Michel Nseir, World Council of Churches, Geneva).
Lapport de la modernit Dialogue entre les religions (Rev. Prof. Dr. Georges Massouh, Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology, Balamand-Lebanon).
Ecumenical Statements (Rev. Fr. Gaby Hachem, University of St. Jospeh, Lebanon)
The Conference papers & proceedings will be published in March 2008.
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