Archimandrite Jack Khalil Lectures in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki& Professor Stamoulis Lectures at the Institute of Theology
April 2007
Archimandrite Jack Khalil vsited Greece between 16 and 20 April 2007, where he was the guest lecturer at the University of Thessaloniki. He lectured on Biblical Exegesis. On Wednesday April 18, he read a study on The Social Critique of the Prophets in 8thCentury B.C.. On Thursday April 19, the topic was The Resurrection of Christ within the Narrative Structure of the Gospel According to Mark . The end of the Gospel of God. Both lecturers were widely received by a great number of professors and students, as well as prominent personalities from social and media circles. In addition to these public lecturers, Archimandrite Jack also participated in Biblicum, the monthly meeting of professors and graduates in Biblical Exegesis from the University of Thessaloniki, on Monday 16 April. He was also engaged in numerous informal meetings with University professors to discuss a variety of theological matters.
Archimandrite Jack in Thessaloniki ----> Also, the Institute welcomed Associate Professor Stamoulis, from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, who gave lectures in Dogmatic Theology to the second year students at the Institute of Theology. |
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