May 7, 2010 From May 2 to May 7, 2010, Fr. Joseph Allen visited the University of Balamand, upon the invitation of Dr. Georges Nahas, the Dean of the St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology. Being the Director of Theological and Pastoral Education in the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America and the Antiochian House of Studies (AHOS), Fr. Josephs visit had the objective of exploring new ways of cooperation between the AHOS and Balamand. This cooperation certainly helps to tighten the links between the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America and the Mother Church of Antioch.
As his visitation began, Father Joseph stated that he could not help but to be thrilled to be standing at the theological birthplace of Metropolitan PHILIPs focus on Incarnational Theology. While this focus greatly developed as Saidna moved on in his episcopacy, it really began here at the Balamand. It was from the Institute of Theology of the Balamand that His Eminence created the applied theology emphasis, which has been carried forward in the Antiochian House of Studies. Fr. Joseph held several meetings with the Dean of the Institute of Theology and its Academic committee. In the meetings, the Dean expressed his thankfulness to His Eminence Metropolitan PHILIP for his continuous support and care to the Institute. In reply, Fr. Joseph thanked the Dean for his invitation and warm welcome, and expressed his joy in being at Balamand, and relayed the greetings of His Eminence.
The Dean proposed cooperation in three different programs as follows: 1- Exchange of students: A program in which the third year North American Antiochian students enrolled in the Master of Divinity Program at different American seminaries take their Third Year graduate courses at Balamand and in English. This exchange ought to be done in coordination with these seminaries. 2- Exchange of Professors: Another area of cooperation is the exchange of professors program in which the Balamand Faculty travel to the USA to teach in the MA in Applied Orthodox Theology program and in the St. Stephens course. Also, Balamand invites AHOS Faculty to teach courses in its Master of Theology and Bachelor of Theology Degree Programs. 3- Initiation into the Antiochian Tradition: The purpose of this program is to invite priests from North American to Balamand in order to introduce them to the Church of Antioch, Her Tradition, History, Liturgy, Arts, Manuscripts, etc. through organized study visits to various centers of the Church in Lebanon & Syria. Fr. Allen delivered another lecture entitled: The Person and the Context: Chrysostom and Antioch. In this lecture given at the University of Balamand Lecture Hall, he related the life of the great Antiochian Saint John Chrysostom to the social and religious atmosphere in the city of Antioch in which he lived, preached and shepherded. Fr. Allen took his saints life as the paradigm of the deepest and most organic relationship of person and context. In addition to the lectures and meetings with the Faculty, staff and students of the Institute of Theology, Fr. Allen visited Dr. Elie Salem the President of the University of Balamand. Dr. Salems meeting with Father Joseph was a reflection of his regard and love for Metropolitan PHILIP. He spoke of his gratitude for the financial and spiritual support of His Eminence toward the University of Balamand. After reviewing with Father Joseph the on-going development of the University, Dr. Salem emphasized those structures, especially the Institute of Theology and the beautiful Athletic Stadium, which are products of the Metropolitans generosity. Father Joseph also visited various social institutions (schools, Home for the Elderly, etc.) in the Tripoli and Koura region belonging to he Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of Tripoli and El Koura. In addition, Fr. Joseph visited various monasteries and parishes in the region witnessing to the ancient Christian roots of the Middle East and revealing the vibrant presence of the Orthodox Church and Her community.