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Bishop Kasper in Balamand


The Visit of His Eminence BISHOP WALTER KASPER

Bishop Emeritus of Rottenburg-Stuttgart (Germany)  &  General Secretary of the Pontifical Council  for Christian Unity in Vatican

Balamand - May 26, 2000

1. Report of the Conference: 
The Ecumenical Dialogue in the Third Millennium

2. Pictures 

3. Interview with His Eminence






A Report of the Conference

Of His Eminence Bishop Walter Kasper




On May 26th, 2000, the Balamand community had the great honor and pleasure to receive and welcome its distinguished guest, His Eminence Walter Kasper, Bishop Emeritus of Rottenburg-Stuttgart (Germany) and General Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity in Vatican. In the context of his visit to the Monastery, High School, and University of Balamand, His Eminence addressed a conference to the students of the St. John of Damascus School of Theology at the University of Balamand. Also present were His Eminence Metropolitan Boulos (Bendaly) of Akkar, Archimandrite Paul Yazigi, Dean of the Theological School, and many Faculty members. His Eminence Metropolitan Boulos welcomed Bishop Kasper and relayed to him the greetings of His Beatitude IGNATIUS IV, the Patriarch of Antioch.

Mgr. Kasper defined the meaning of ecumenism as a personal encounter between members of different Churches. In that way they can reach unity as our Lord wished.

His Eminence declared that this is a new millennium that must be crowned with the unity of Christianity. In the first millennium all Christians belonged together. Throughout the second millennium they suffered painful separations. This third one must be a symbol for unity that lasts. His Eminence emphasized that unity does not mean uniformity but rather pluriformity as it was in the Ancient Church were we find, for instance, several traditions concerning Liturgy and Canon Law. This was not and is not understood as dissidence but as richness of the one and the same church.

His Eminence mentioned some highlights of ecumenical activity in the Vatican as the opening of the Holy Door at the beginning of this year and the celebration of the Martyrs Day at the Coliseum, three weeks ago.

Orthodox and Catholic Traditions are very close together, said Mgr. Kasper. They have a common teaching of sacraments and find their roots in the Apostolic succession.

After the speech, the students asked some questions related to the difficulty of discussing dogmatic issues and putting in practice the theories of ecumenism. His Eminence focused upon the importance of distinguishing between contradictions and complementations within the many traditions of the Church. Christians must learn to reinterpret and review their own past. Issues as Primacy and Filioque were also discussed by the attendance.

Bishop Walter Kasper ended by giving a note of hope and trust in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and in the participation of the people of God as witnesses of His love.

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