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Student Activities: Olive Tree Picking


Nov 25, 2006

في صباح يوم السبت الواقع في 25/11/2006 قام طلاب مع القدّيس يوحنّا الدمشقي بدعوة من رئيس دير سيّدة البلمند الأرشمندريت اسحق بركات، بزيارة أحد بساتين الزيتون التابعة للدير وذلك لقضاء يوم مع الطبيعة، حيث قام الطلاب بمساعدة قاطفي الزيتون لمدة ثلاث ساعات وبعد ذلك قاموا بزيارة معصرة حديثة للزيتون، حيث شاهدوا ولأول مرّة في حياتهم كيفية عصر الزيتون وتعبئته. هذا وقد كان برفقة الطلاب  رئيس مجلس إنماء الكورة الأستاذ جورج جحا وبعض من أعضاء المجلس وكذلك ممثل منظمة الرؤية العالمية في لبنان، وفي هذه المناسبة تحدث الأستاذ جحا عن أهمية شجرة الزيتون في منطقة الكورة خاصة وعن بعض الأمراض التي تصيبها.




New Academic Year Celebration

October 3-4, 2006


In the occasion of the new Academic Year 2006-7, the University of Balamand invited its community to begin this new year with prayer. The Monastery of Balamand hosted the event. Archimandrite Isaac Barakat, the Abbot of the Balamand Monastery, presided over the service and the Choir of St. John of Damascus chanted. Many Faculty, staff, and students of the University of Balamand attended the event.

After the Vespers,  Archimandrite Isaac said a welcoming note, transmitting the blessings of His Beatitude Patriarch IGNATIUS IV. Then, Dr. Elie Salem, President of the University of Balamand, addressed the audience at the Monastery Great Hall.

The President emphasized the role of the University in bringing together and formulating knowledge and serving humanity. He also explained the essential role Balamand has in the region and in the service of the Christian Muslim Dialogue and Coexistence. 

Afterwards, everyone was invited to a  Cocktail in the Monastery.

The next morning, at 8:30 am, the Service of the Blessing of Water was celebrated at the Institute of Theology, in the presence of the Institute's community. The Dean, Dr. Georges Nahas, welcomed the students. He explained to them that they need to have a sense of purpose in life, especially about why they are here. He also spoke about the role of the Institute, especially in the Church of Antioch, its unity, witness, and newness.

Then, classes begun.





The Vespers at the Monastery

The Audience at the Balamand Monastery Great Hall

Blessing of Water Service at the Institute of Theology



The Dean, Dr. Georges Nahas, Speaking the Students


Patriarch Ignatius IV Meets with the Students

November 24, 2005

During his visit to Balamand, His Beatitude IGNATIUS IV, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, gave a special time to meet the students and answer various questions they had.

His Beatitude spoke about how the attitude of the student who plans to join a School of Theology ought to be. He made it clear that this prospective student needs to clarify his objectives of coming to Balamand, before beginning to apply. The student needs to clarify his objectives and be sure of his real intentions. Otherwise he will face many personal difficulties as a servant of God.

Serving the Church, as His Beatitude states, is an essential mission in Christianity.  One needs to have a mind and heart of self-giving and thankfulness. If one thinks he is here to benefit from the Church, this one has a wrong mindset. Many Church institutions would not existed unless there were people who gave all their lives selflessly in the service of "the other," the neighbor, or the fellow citizen. These institutions will not prosper unless they continue to be led by selfless people.

Afterwards, His Beatitude answered many student questions pertaining to pastoral issues.

The Dean Thanking His Beatitude for Offering his Time to Meet the Students

   "Service in the Church is Selfless Giving"


His Beatitude with the Students from the Americas


Balamand Students Visit the Vatican

October 14-21, 2005

vatican05Upon the gracious invitation of the Catholic Committee for Cultural Collaboration, the Third Year Class students of St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology, University of Balamand, traveled for one week to Rome, led by Archimandrite Isaac Barakat. The group had a very extensive program. It received a very warm welcome from all Vatican officials. The students were very grateful to visit and closely admire the richest heritage of the Christian Church as found in the Vatican.
Below are some of the pictures taken at various places visited.


St. Peter' Basilica
Secretariat of the State
Audience with the Pope
The Pontifical Oriental Institute
The Pontifical Institute for Arab Studies
 Pastoral Visit to Church of the Transfiguration
Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls
Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore
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