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محاضرة بعنوان:  قراءة مسيحيّة معاصرة في مجتمع الميم

محاضرة بعنوان: قراءة مسيحيّة معاصرة في مجتمع الميم

  البلمند ٢٢ -١٠- ٢٠٢٤ ببركة صاحب الغبطة البطريرك يوحنا العاشر وضمن سلسلة محاضرات معهد اللاهوت في البلمند، ألقى قدس المتقدّم في الكهنة الدكتور يوحنّا بدّور المحاضرة رقم ١٤ بعنوان: " قراءة مسيحيّة معاصرة في مجتمع الميم ". أدار الجلسة الدكتور دانيال عيّوش، وحضرها عميد المعهد الارشمندريت...

محاضرة بعنوان: إعادة كتابة سفر المزامير باللغة الهوميريّة الموزونة: أصالتها والنقاش حول نسبتها إلى أبوليناريوس

محاضرة بعنوان: إعادة كتابة سفر المزامير باللغة الهوميريّة الموزونة: أصالتها والنقاش حول نسبتها إلى أبوليناريوس

  البلمند ١٥ -١٠- ٢٠٢٤ ببركة صاحب الغبطة البطريرك يوحنا العاشر وضمن سلسلة محاضرات معهد اللاهوت في البلمند، ألقى الأستاذ ييتر صليبا المحاضرة رقم ١٣ بعنوان: "إعادة كتابة سفر المزامير باللغة الهوميريّة الموزونة: أصالتها والنقاش حول نسبتها إلى أبوليناريوس ". أدار الجلسة الدكتور دانيال عيّوش،...

صدور العدد 14 من حوليات

صدور العدد 14 من حوليات

Issue - 14 - العدد  2024 رئيس التحرير:الأرشمندريت د. يعقوب خليل منسّق هيئة التحرير:الأرشمندريت د. يوحنّا المشرقي هيئة التحرير:د. دانيال عيوش، المتقدم في الكهنة د. بورفيريوس جورجي، المتقدم في الكهنة د. بسام ناصيف، الأب جبران اللاطي (أمين...

Professor Konstantin Belezos

Professor Konstantin Belezos

  With the gracious blessings of His Beatitude Patriarch John X, the St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology cordially received Professor Konstantin Belezos, a distinguished academic from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, for a comprehensive series of lectures spanning a...

تهنئة مديرة ثانوية سيّدة البلمند

تهنئة مديرة ثانوية سيّدة البلمند

    ٢٣ نيسان ٢٠٢٤ بعد أن عيّن صاحب الغبطة البطريرك يوحنّا العاشر السيّدة رلى عساف عبّود مديرةً لثانويّة سيّدة البلمند، قام عميد معهد اللاهوت في البلمند قدس الأرشمندريت يعقوب خليل بزيارة تعارف وتهنئة للمديرة الجديدة، يرافقه أساتذة المعهد د دانيال عيوش، الأرشمندريت بارثينيوس اللاطي،...


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14 Issue - 14 - العدد  2024 رئيس التحرير:الأرشمندريت د. يعقوب خليل منسّق هيئة التحرير:الأرشمندريت د. يوحنّا المشرقي هيئة التحرير:د. دانيال عيوش، المتقدم في الكهنة د. بورفيريوس جورجي، المتقدم في الكهنة د. بسام ناصيف، الأب جبران اللاطي (أمين السرّ)   Editor:Archimandrite Dr. Jack Khalil Editorial Committee Coordiantor:Archimandrite Dr. Youhanna El Mecherki Editorial Commitee:Prof. Daniel Ayuch, Protopresbyter Prof. Porphyrios Georgy, Protopresbyter Assoc. Prof....Read More
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professor-konstantin-belezos   With the gracious blessings of His Beatitude Patriarch John X, the St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology cordially received Professor Konstantin Belezos, a distinguished academic from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, for a comprehensive series of lectures spanning a week. Professor Belezos, esteemed for his scholarship in New Testament studies, imparted invaluable knowledge and insights to the students of the Institute. The Dean, Right Reverend Archimandrite Jack Khalil,...Read More
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News Update from the Patriarchate

Antiochian Patriarchate News (7):

With reference to the service of Iraqi refugees in Damascus & its countryside. Many applications have been completed by Antiochian Orthodox priests and women fellowships. 74 families were registered with almost 219 members. The responsible committee will expect more applications in the days to come.

The associate general Secretary Samer Laham has contacted the General Secretary of MECC Rev. Dr. Riad Jarjour, for the situation of Iraqi families. Rev. Jarjour has instructed MECC office in Damascus to prepare 150 boxes of food to be distributed to many needy Iraqi families. The boxes were prepared by many volunteers from many Orthodox fellowships. The priests will coordinate the distribution of MECC support to Iraqi families.

The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate has provided some food item as a modest contribution to MECC.




Antiochian Patriarchate News (6):

On  Sunday March 30th, 2003. the Holy Cross Church’s council and Holy Cross Halls organized a recital on the occasion of the Holy Cross Sunday which comes on the third Sunday of lent season. The concert was presented by the choir of St. John of Damascus Theological Institute. Hymns were selected from the liturgies of Holy week. This particular program was chosen precisely to share the pain and sufferings of Iraqi people. The program was ended with a brief word by Patriarchal Vicar Bishop Ghattas Hazim’ “we wish to see a new hope and a just peace in the region of the Middle East so that all people could really celebrate the glory of resurrection”. He said.

Many people expressed their solidarity with Iraqi people by offering financial donations for the victims of that unjust war.



Antiochian Patriarchate News (4):

On Saturday 29th of March 2003, a small group composed of three Greek couples passed by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and all the East before  continuing their mission’s trip to Baghdad. This small Greek NGOs called “Hearts Doctors”. Members of this organization work on voluntarily basis and raise funds from their own income. They do not depend on any other resources, the reason they feel free to move and react in many suffering places in the world over.


Member of “Hearts Doctors” with

H. B. Ignatius IV Patriarch of Antioch & all the East


From Bosnia, Africa and Afghanistan “Hearts Doctors” gave many symbolic contributions to many suffering people. Mr. Samer Laham has interviewed them during their short visit to the Patriarchate.

Q: Could you give us a short history of your organization, its objectives and its humanitarian activities.

A: Our name is “Heart Doctors”. We are Christian Orthodox. We are not heart specialist doctors, but we believe that we can offer love and hope because love comes from heart. Our small organization has been initiated by few friend families. It dates back to many years. Our objective is to approach different suffering areas like Africa, Bosnia, Afghanistan and now Iraq. We have two Doctors and one nurse . we started in Bosnia then we moved to Africa where we offered help in many places there. We have been also in my places that had witnessed earthquake in order to offer medicines and medical assistance.

We offer our modest assistance to all human being regardless race, color and faith because we believe that all of us are equals before God and we follow our Lord Jesus teaching that we should respond to any suffering human being.

We came to Syria from Greece in order to continue to Baghdad through the north. We brought many medical assistance to be given to many hospitals and clinics.

Q: Don’t you fear to go for Baghdad especially in these difficult time where nobody can grantee whether roads are safe?

A: We have a great faith in our hearts that God will not leave us alone. He will be with us and enable us to outreach needy people. If you have such faith in your heart nothing should stop you to implement your mission.

 Q: What do you expect to see in Iraq in general and in Baghdad in particular?

We don’t have any idea yet. We insist to go there and to see the situation on site. Besides, we want to go again to Baghdad to give more medicines and maybe we can bring more doctors with us next time. We wish that “Hearts doctors” could give hope to hapless. We do pray from the bottom of our hearts that God end this war and support those who have been facing the dying and destruction every day.

In the end of this short interview, Mr. Laham has wished the members of “hearts doctors” a safe trip to Baghdad and a successful mission that based on the true Christian faith in their hearts. Besides, Mr. Laham has noted that the Patriarchate is ready to offer any assistance or support to fulfill their mission. He wished to meet with them again on their trip back to Greece via Syria.



Antiochian Patriarchate News (3):

In solidarity with Iraqi people who face every day severe attacks by the coalition forces. The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch & all the East under the instruction of its primate H. B. Patriarch Ignatius IV will dedicate the divine Liturgy on Sunday 30th of March 2003 which coincide with the Sunday of Holy Cross according to Orthodox lent tradition for the seek of people of Iraq. All Orthodox believers will pray for Iraqi children, widows, women and old people so that our God help and strength them to stand against the enemies who fight in the name of peace and democracy. The donations which will be collected after Liturgy will be used to help Iraqi people. The Patriarch will address the world on the current situation. National TV and other broadcast channels will transmit that speech. A special report on that event will be sent later.




Antiochian Patriarchate News (2):

The historical St. Mary Convent in Saydnaya village has opened its door to receive Iraqi families who have left Iraq before the war.

Many other Iraqis refugees who can not support themselves are expected to be hosted in many Convents and Monasteries related to the Antiochian Orthodox Patriarchate. Besides, the Patriarchate is contacting the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate to offer the available support it has for many families staying at St. Ephram Monastery in Merret village nearby Saydnaya.

Seeing the tragedy everyday on TV and hearing about the horrible fight in the weeks to come motivate us to raise more profoundly our prayers to our Savior to interfere to end this catastrophe and inspire decision makers in the world over to find a peaceful solution. Let us join our prayers and our voices to be the voice of voiceless so that the power of resurrection prevail.




Eng. Samer Laham

Director of Ecumenical and External Relations in Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch & all the East Associate General Secretary for MECC


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