Institute of Theology

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New Academic Year Opening

September 27, 2005



In the occasion of the new Academic Year 2005-6, St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology held a Vespers service at the Monastery of Balamand Church. Archimandrite Isaac Barakat, the Abbot of the Balamand Monastery, presided the service and the Choir of St. John of Damascus chanted. All the Faculty, staff, and students of the Institute, as well as the University of Balamand Officers attended the event.

After the Vespers, Dr. Elie Salem addressed the audience at the Monastery Great Hall. In the beginning Dr. Salem welcomed the new Dean, Dr. Georges Nahas, who is also the Vice President of the University since its inception eighteen years ago.

Afterwards the President spoke about the essential role of the Institute in the Orthodox Church, and the need to reinterpret theology for today's world, bringing the believers closer to the Divine. (Click here to read the complete text in Arabic).

After the Service of Blessing of Water celebrated at the Institute of Theology, the Dean, Dr. Georges Nahas, addressed the students, greeting and welcoming them, and expressing his enthusiasm for the beginning of this year. In his speech, Dr. Nahas stressed the special Antiochian identity of the Institute, being the only Antiochian institute of theological studies of higher education in the world.

The Dean urged the students to work for academic excellence and deepen their theological knowledge by continuous research. He also brought their attention to the demands of community life, and the importance of order and punctuality. (Click here to read the complete text in Arabic).

The ceremony ended with a meal of love shared by all the Faculty, Staff and students of the Institute.



Dr. Elie Salem, President, in his Opening Speech



The Audience at the Balamand Monastery Great Hall


Blessing of Water Service at the Institute of Theology


The Dean, Dr. Georges Nahas, Welcoming the Student


Dr. Elie Salem Lectures at the Institute

University of Balamand President
Meets with Students
at the Institute of Theology

October 28, 2004




Dr. Elie Salem President of Balamand University Gave a Presentation on Issues Facing the University Today


The Students of Theology Had the Opportunity to Ask Questions and Give their Opinion About Subjects Mentioned by the President


The President Had Lunch with the Dean of the Institute of Theology, and the Faculty and Students


The President During Lunch at the Institute of Theology Dining Hall


Student Talents Show

October 28, 2004


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New Academic Year Celebrations 2004-2005


In the occasion of the new Academic Year Opening, Metropolitan Elias Kurban of Tripoli, representing His Beatitude Patriarch IGNATIUS IV, presided over the service of Great Vespers at the Church of Our Lady of Balamand at 5:00 PM, October 4, 2003. Also present was Metropolitan Boulos Bandali of Akkar, the Abbot of Balamand Monastery and Dean of the Institute of Theology Bishop John Yazigi, the students, faculty members and staff of the Institute, along with other dignitaries: His Excellency Dr. Elie Salem, President of the University of Balamand, Deans and Directors of the University of Balamand, along with many other friends and alumni of Balamand. The Vespers was followed by the Service of the Blessing of Water. 

After welcoming the new students, His Eminence Metropolitan Elias (Kurban) spoke on the importance of the Institute of Theology in the Church of Antioch since many hierarchs and pastors have graduated from this unique Institute. Also he stressed on the Institute's unique wrote in strengthening the unity of the Church of Antioch, remembering its continuous hard work in this field, especially the First Alumni Meeting. This meeting occurred in July and was very successful in gathering more than 80 bishops and priests who took time to see each other and share their experiences, successes, and problems. Finally,  Metropolitan Kurban asked the Lord to bless this New Academic Year and new and old students in their Academic pursuits and spiritual labor.

Afterward, everyone was invited to a festal dinner at the Institute. The Dean Bishop John thanked everyone for their love in participating in this event.

Tuesday, October 5, , was a special day for the Balamand community. The Dean Bishop John desired for all of the students, staff and Faculty members to start the academic year with an eucharistic celebration. After the Divine Liturgy, everyone participated in a meal of love and the students started their courses. 


From Annahar Newspaper (Tuesday October 5th, 2004)


 His Eminence Metropolitan Elias of Tripoli presiding over the Service of Vespers, and Bishop John Yazigi to his left

Artoklassia: Blessing of the Five Loaves during Vespers


In Attendance: Deans and Directors, and Professors





His Eminence Metropolitan Elias (Kurban) 
presiding over the Service of the Blessing of Water at the Institute. 
Also in the picture: Metropolitan Bendali and Bishop Yazigi



DINNER: The Dean Thanking His Eminence and all guests



Tuesday's Divine Liturgy: Bishop John blessing the faithful (Faculty, Staff, and Students)

In the Sermon, the Dean encouraged the students to begin with much vigor and work on their spiritual life, along with academic work

The Choir


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The University of Balamand

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