Institute of Theology

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Hierarchical Vespers

in the Occasion of the New Academic Year 2000/1

Tuesday, October 3, 2000

Above: Students of Theology waiting for the arrival of Their Eminences to the Church of Our Lady of Balamand

Right: His Emience Metropolitan Antonios Chedrawi of Mexico Presiding over the Festal Vespers

  Left: The Procession on the Doxa.

"O Gladsome Light of the Holy Glory, of the Immortal Heavenly Holy O Jesus Christ..."         

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Commencement Ceremonies at UOB

In the Presence and High Patronage of 
His Beatitude IGNATIUS IV
Patriarch of Antioch and All the East
Founder of the University

Monday, July 24, 2000

 Seven Graduates from St. John of Damascus Faculty of Theology:
Camille Estephan
John El-Karaan
Majed El-Makhamreh
Imad Rbeiz
Nicolas Rimlaoui
Raed Sayeg
Fr. Silouan Onar


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The University of Balamand

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