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Recent Publications

St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology at the University of Balamand is committed to disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship in various theological fields and in different languages. Here below are the recent scholarly publications by the Institute’s full-time faculty members, which include book chapters, journal articles, and international conference proceedings. Kindly note that the complete list of publications for each faculty member can be found in the University of Balamand Repository.

The House of God: The Orthodox Church in the Middle East and the Environment (English) - Rev. Fr. Bassam A. Nassif


“The House of God: The Orthodox Church in the Middle East and the Environment” (English). International Handbook on Creation Care and Eco-Diakonia: Concepts and Theological Perspectives of Churches from the Global South. Edited by Daniel Beros, Eale Bosela, Lesmore Ezekiel, Kambale Kahongya, Ruomin Liu, Grace Moon, Marisa Strizzi, Dietrich Werner. Regnum Books, 2022, pp. 341-347 ISBN 978-1-913363-91-8


The Mystery of Marriage amid Deconstruction: A Dialogue between Orthodox Anthropology and Postmodern Perspectives (English) - Rev. Fr. Bassam A. Nassif


The Mystery of Marriage amid Deconstruction: A Dialogue between Orthodox Anthropology and Postmodern Perspectives (English). Balamand: St John of Damascus Institute of Theology Publications, 2022. ISBN 978-614-454-057-2


A Textual-Critical Study and Interpretation of the Liturgical Response ‘ἔλεον εἰρήνης, θυσίαν αἰνέσεως’. - Rev. Archim. Jack Khalil

“A Textual-Critical Study and Interpretation of the Liturgical Response ‘ἔλεον εἰρήνης, θυσίαν αἰνέσεως’.” Pages 11-25 in Studia Theologica Doctoralia vol. XIV. De la lumina rugăciunii la teologia luminii. Aspecte ale cercetării doctorale actuale, Edited by Fr. Viorel Sava. Iasi: Editura Doxologia, 2022.

A Study of St. John of Damascus’ ‘Treatise of Icons’: Biblical and Linguistic Approach. - Rev. Archim. Jack Khalil

“A Study of St. John of Damascus’ ‘Treatise of Icons’: Biblical and Linguistic Approach.” pages 98-100 in Analogia, vol. 16. Athens: Pemptousia, 2022.

The Ecclesiology of St. Paul: One Church or United Churches. The Universal Dimension of the One Church in the Epistles of St Paul. - Rev. Archim. Jack Khalil

“The Ecclesiology of St. Paul: One Church or United Churches. The Universal Dimension of the One Church in the Epistles of St Paul.” Pages 20-37 in Teologie şi Viaţă, issue 5-8, vol. 98. Iași: Doxologia, 2022.

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