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Recent Publications

St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology at the University of Balamand is committed to disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship in various theological fields and in different languages. Here below are the recent scholarly publications by the Institute’s full-time faculty members, which include book chapters, journal articles, and international conference proceedings. Kindly note that the complete list of publications for each faculty member can be found in the University of Balamand Repository.

“Ἀρχή and Λόγος: New Arguments in Favor of the Similar Understanding of These Two Terms in 1 John 1:1 and in the Prologue of the Gospel According to John.” (ARABIC) - Rev. Archim. Jack Khalil

“Ἀρχή and Λόγος: New Arguments in Favor of the Similar Understanding of These Two Terms in 1 John 1:1 and in the Prologue of the Gospel According to John.” (in Arabic), in: Annals 13, St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology, University of Balamand, Lebanon, 2022.


Practica rugăciunii în biserica din ierusalim conform cărții faptele apostolilor. momente, conținut și mesaj - Dr. Daniel Ayuch

Practica rugăciunii în biserica din ierusalim conform cărții faptele apostolilor. momente, conținut și mesaj.” In: Mihaita, Nifon, Florea Stefan and Marian Vilciu (eds.). Misiune, spiritualitate și cultură. Editura Bibliotheca: Targoviste, 2022, 117-125. ISSN: 2457-2985.


La Septuaginta en la tradición ortodoxa - Dr. Daniel Ayuch

“La Septuaginta en la tradición ortodoxa.” En: Oscar Tapia (coord.). La Biblia profética-apostólica de los creyentes. Origen, evolución y desarrollo de la Sagrada Escritura. Ágape Libros: Buenos Aires, 2022, 191-220. ISBN: 987-640-655-0.


Islam Study Programs in Argentine Universities (ARABIC) - Dr. Daniel Ayuch

Islam Study Programs in Argentine Universities. In: Al-Dakhil, Turki Bin Abdallah et all. (eds.). Islam in European Universities: Curricula – Opportunities – Gasps. Al-Mesbar: Dubai, 2022, 377-398 (ARABIC). 

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Parallel Plots in the Narrative of the Synoptic Gospels. Their Role and Message in the Story Development (ARABIC) - Dr. Daniel Ayuch

Parallel Plots in the Narrative of the Synoptic Gospels. Their Role and Message in the Story Development. In: St John of Damascus Institute of Theology Annals 13 (2022), 25-42. ‎Appeared in December 2022 (ARABIC). DOI:


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